Should you have any questions during the final assembly of your new bicycle, please call our product 11/12/13
specialists at 800-226-7552 any day between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. Eastern. pg.
To install a seatpost-mounted rear reflector (red), remove the reflector mounting screw and gently open the bracket
enough to slide over the stem. Position the reflector and secure with the screw (7-A). Use care not to over-tighten as the
bracket may crack. If the reflector has an adjustment screw, loosen the adjustment screw to set the reflector perpendicular
to the ground and tighten to secure (7-B).
If your bike came with a handlebar-mounted front reflector (white), remove the reflector mounting screw and gently open
the bracket enough to slide over the handlebar on the left side of the stem (7-C). Position the reflector perpendicular to the
ground and secure with the screw. Use care not to over-tighten as the bracket may crack.
If your bike came with a fork mounted reflector it will be mounted but may need to be adjusted to the proper position
(7-D). Rotate the reflector upright. Loosen the adjustment screw located below the reflector, set perpendicular to the
ground and tighten to secure.
For additional maintenance and safety tips, be sure to read your Owner’s Manual thoroughly.
Reflector with
adjustment screw
Reflector without
adjustment screw
Mounting screw
Properly positioned
handlebar reflector
Properly positioned
fork reflector
Mounting screw
Adjustment screw