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Changing Temperature Set Point
1. Press and hold “SEL” button, and then briefly press “SEL” again
2. Press “RST” to enter security code (055)
3. Press and hold “SEL”
4. Press “RST” to get to 1-INPut, and then press “SEL” until the t-Strt input is reached
5. In the t-Strt input, press “RST” (time set point will display with a flashing digit)
6. Continue to press “RST” until desired number is reached
7. Press “SEL” to toggle between digits
8. To continue changing each digit, press “RST”
9. Press and hold “SEL” to set and press “SEL” until the end of the program is reached
Motor Operation
To start the motor, press the “PUSH TO RUN” button. Slowly tune the “SPEED ADJUST” knob until the
desired test speed is displayed on the “RPM INDICATOR” (see Appendix A for various RCF values). The
RPM INDICATOR, or rate meter, displays the actual speed (not theoretical). Physically mark that position
for future reference. If multiple speeds are used, mark each potentiometer position. If the same speed
is used repeatedly, the potentiometer knob may be left in that position while starting or stopping the
motor and when the unit is turned off. The motor controller is preprogrammed to allow controlled
acceleration and deceleration of the motor, regardless of speed set point.
DO NOT attempt to operate the unit with the sliding door open, as the motor will not run until the door
is completely closed. The sliding door locking mechanism will remain engaged until the motion of the
rotor has stopped.
To stop the motor during normal operation, press the “PUSH TO STOP” button. When the “RPM
INDICATOR” reads “0”, wait for the locking mechanism to disengage and then open the door. When the
trunnion arm has come to a complete stop, remove samples and close the door.
In an emergency (i.e. tube breakage), press the “EMERGENCY MOTOR OFF SWITCH”. Power to the motor
will be shut off and the motor will free fall to a stop. Once troubleshooting is complete and it is safe to
resume operation, twist and pull out the emergency switch. As an extra precaution, reset the unit by
turning the “MAIN DISCONNECT” switch off and on. It will take approximately 1-2 minutes for the motor
controller to boot up. If the “PUSH TO RUN” button is pressed during reboot, the motor will not run.
The updated timer settings will not be set until the “MAIN DISCONNECT” switch is cycled off and back
on. Call the L-K Industries Tech Helpline if any assistance is required.
To prolong centrifuge life, use the lowest feasible speed setting. The maximum allowable speed is 2300
DO NOT open the sliding door immediately after the emergency switch has been engaged. The motor is
still in free fall and any dislodged objects may be launched out of the centrifuge.
It is recommended to take extra precaution while loading and unloading samples. Engage the
“EMERGENCY MOTOR OFF SWITCH” while working inside the bowl.
Contact the L-K Industries Tech Helpline for instructions for manually bypassing the locking
mechanism. The manual bypass should ONLY be done to verify centrifuge speed.