Kyocera Corporate Governance Information Sheet Download Page 3


Corporate Governance Practices 


Followed by NYSE-listed U.S. Companies 

Corporate Governance Practices Followed by Kyocera Corporation 

4. An NYSE-listed U.S. company 

must have


a compensation 

committee composed


entirely of 

independent directors.



The total amount of compensation for Kyocera Corporation directors and the 

total amount of compensation for Kyocera Corporation corporate auditors are 

proposed to, and voted upon by, a general meeting of shareholders. Once the 

proposal for each of such total amount of compensation is approved at the 

general meeting of shareholders, each of the board of directors and board of 

corporate auditors allocates the respective total amount among its respective 



5. An NYSE-listed U.S. company 

must generally obtain shareholder 

approval with


respect to any 

equity compensation plan.


Japanese companies, including Kyocera Corporation, often issue “stock 

acquisition rights” (granting the holder thereof the right to acquire from the 

issuer shares of its common stock at a prescribed price) for the purpose of 

granting stock options to their officers, etc. Typically, when stock acquisition 

rights are used for such purpose, they are issued under terms and conditions 

which are especially favorable to the recipients thereof, and because of that, 

such issuance is subject to approval at a general meeting of shareholders 

under the Corporation Act. Kyocera Corporation obtains approval at a general 

meeting of shareholders with respect to its issuance of stock acquisition rights 

for stock option purposes.



