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08 December 2020
700-00121-000 revD Kymeta u8 products installation and user guide
Set up u8 antenna orientation
When in motion, the antenna’s yaw (heading), relative to north, is provided by the GPS heading. The Kymeta u8 antenna
out-of-the-box configuration assumes that the X axis of the antenna is aligned with the heading vector of the vehicle. If
this is not the case, you can set the vehicle-to-ant-yaw value to inform the antenna of the offset. Set the offset correctly
to expedite acquisition of the satellite while in motion.
If the offset is not set or is set incorrectly, the antenna can acquire the satellite, but it may take longer and will
result in more out-of-network time.
In the figure below, the antenna is correctly aligned, using the antenna’s default value of zero.
Make sure the Kymeta logo is front-facing and the fans are facing towards the rear of the car.
For an unaligned antenna, set vehicle-to-ant-yaw to the angle between the X axis and the heading vector as in the figure
below. The range is from -360° to 360° with positive angles representing a clockwise rotation of the antenna from the
vehicle heading vector.