Congratulations on your purchase of the KYMCO ATV. KYMCO take pride in a
worldwide reputation for quality-in research, design, production and service.
For replacement parts and accessories, we recommend genuine KYMCO
products. They've been specially designed for your vehicle and manufactured to
meet KYMCO's demanding standards.
This manual will provide you with a good basic understanding of the features and
operation of this machine. This manual includes important safety information. It
provides information about special techniques and skills necessary to ride your
machine. It also includes basic maintenance and inspection procedures. If you
have any questions regarding the operation or maintenance of your machine,
please consult a KYMCO dealer.
We wish you many years of safe and enjoyable riding.
While reading this manual, remember:
Indicates a strong possibility that serious injury or death may
result if instructions are not followed.
All information in this publication is based on the latest product information
available at the time of approval for printing. KWANG YANG MOTOR CO.,LTD
reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice and without
incurring any obligation.