14 | kvm-tec
kvm-tec | 15
2. extender InstallatIon
2. extender InstallatIon
2.2 MoUnTInG KIT
2.2.1 MoUnTInG (oPTIonal)
Rack Mounting Kit RMK-F - Part No. 6230
The rack mounting kit RMK-F is for assembling kvm-tec Ultraline UVX1extenders. It consists of
19“ rack tray and an alu-faceplate.
2.3 InsTallInG THE EXTEnDEr
Read and understand all safety information before installing the product.
The units can be set up to access point to point or over a Switching System with a host
In the case of the latter, an additional 10 G Network Switch and a Windows PC or tablet with the
Switching Manager must be installed with a Network Switch, each user can gain quick access to
any of the required computers.
point to point connection