A Guide to TracVision S2
9. Carry out the LNB calibration procedure
5.4.2 Antenna LNB Replacement
Estimated Time to Repair:
The LNB receives preamplifier operating power from the IRD via
the PCB –
. Be certain that the IRD is disconnected
from its power source before removing or reconnecting the LNB.
1. Disconnect both RF coaxial connectors at the LNB.
2. Remove the wing screw and washer from the LNB
clamp –
3. Remove the top of the LNB clamp –
4. Remove the LNB.
5. Replacement is the reverse of this procedure.
Check the rotation to ensure that the LNB is not
striking any wires or the baseplate.
Antenna LNB Normalization and Stability Test
1. Connect a PC to the maintenance port as described
Section 4.4, “Computer Diagnostics.”
2. Ensure that the antenna is tracking the satellite.
3. Type
(<cr> indicates a carriage return/
ENTER key) to put the system into Idle Mode.
4. Type
to put the system into
Debug Mode.
5. Type
to begin the automatic signal
peaking process. Wait until the antenna peaks the
satellite signal and is motionless. The screen will
6. Type
to start the LNB
Normalization Function.
Note: The CALLNB Function requires the antenna
to be pointed directly at the satellite peak before
performing this routine.
The CALLNB Function requires the
antenna to be pointed directly at
the satellite peak before performing
this routine. Using the FINDSAT
command will ensure that the
antenna is receiving the strongest
possible signal.
When replacing the LNB, make
certain to restore it to its original
orientation, as shown in