1. With the transmission switch in PARK turn the ignition switch the Accessory
position. The LED on the Engine Idler should remain OFF.
2. Press the "ON" switch on the Engine Idler. The LED on the Engine Idler should turn
3. Move the transmission to Drive or Reverse. The LED on the Engine Idler should
turn OFF.
4. Place the transmission in PARK and press the "ON" switch to turn the LED ON
5. Depress the Brake Pedal. This should turn the LED OFF.
Steps 1 thru 5 are valid only if the battery voltage is greater than 12.5 volts. If less than
12.5 volts, the Voltage Monitor may turn on High Idle system.
6. Start the engine and allow it to warm up with the transmission in PARK mode.
7. Depress the ON switch on the Engine Idler and adjust the coupling to the actuator
and the stroke to obtain the desired engine RPM. Recheck by turning the unit ON and
OFF a few times.
8. Load the electrical system by turning on the headlights, area lights or other
accessories. Note that when the voltage drops below 12.5 volts, the following occur:
a. The Low indicator on the Voltage Monitor illuminates.
b. The indicator on the Engine Idler illuminates.
c. The High Idle System is active and the engine is speeded up.