Silk, to my ears, is rarefied air and it is as seductive as it is exotic.
It is supremely soft and gentle, and extraordinarily high; I have
heard nothing else like it on the planet.
Both of these filters can transform a handheld dynamic mic into
an expensive sounding LDC. They can take a mix that is plenty
bright and kiss of something almost invisible that, when taken
away, is immediately missed. You can use these filters as you
would any great effect, such that you’re not really hearing it,
but it’s essential to the vibe of the production nonetheless.
If Shimmer & Silk were the only bands on the Clariphonic, it
would still be worth the money… they’re that sweet.
The Balanced/Unbalanced Switch
Rear Panel)
On the rear of the Clariphonic you’ll find two switches, one per
channel, labeled
This switch is fairly self-explanatory. If you’re experiencing any
sort of distortion, clipping, or headroom issues, odds are this
switch is in the wrong position.