Before proceeding with measurement, read the safety
Insert the BLACK test lead to COM and the RED one
to the other terminal.
Switch to ACV function for AC voltage or DCV
function for DC Voltage.
Use the test lead tip to the circuit and read the
reading of display directly.
If the readings exceed AC 600V (DC 600V), may be
the reading value is wrong and it is dangerous.
(Refer to the safety notes).
(1) Voltage Measurement
Switch to ACA function for AC Current or DCA
function for DC Current.
If the initial reading of DCA is not zero, use the DCA
zero adjust shaft to adjust.
Make sure that the test lead is not connecting to the
Press the jaw trigger to open the transformer jaws &
clamp onto one conductor only. Read the display
reading directly.
(2) Current Measurement
Switch to OHM range & make sure there is no power
in the circuit being measured. Insert the BLACK lead
to the COM and the RED one to another.
Connect the test leads to the circuit or device under
test & read the display directly.
(3) Resistance Measurement
Continuity check shares the same configuration with
manual resistance measurement mode, but
with buzzer output to indicate continuity.
The buzzer generates a 2KHz sound whenever the
digit number less than 25
. Because the cycle time
of measurement is only 50ms, the least significant
digit will not display.
(4) Continuity Check
Diode measurement mode shares the same
configuration with 4.000V manual voltage
measurement mode.
(5) Diode Measurement
Switch to capacitance measurement mode. Insert
the BLACK test lead to COM and the RED one to
the other terminal.
(6) Capacitance Measurement
If the test circuit is open or the voltage drop between
the two ports of the device (diode) under test are
larger than 2V, the LCD panel will show “OL”.
The buzzer generates a 2KHz sound whenever the
digit number is less than 0.25V. Because the cycle
time of measurement is only 50ms, the least
significant digit will not display.
Connect the test leads to the capacitance test and
read the display directly.
In order to obtain an accurate reading, a capacitor
must be discharged before measurement begins.
The chip has a built-in discharge mode to
automatically discharge the capacitor.