Multi Edit Mode
When the Controller parameter is set to a Key (Key1-Key12) and Mode is set to something
other than “Off,” the Do parameter appears. The Do parameter determines whether the key
will play a note and perform a switch function, or whether the key will only perform a switch
function. Set the Do parameter to “Both” to play a note and perform a switch function, or
set it to “OnlySw” to only perform a switch function.
Use the Destination parameter to assign the Forte physical controllers (Sliders, Pedals,
Switches, Mod Wheel, etc.) to control Program parameters or send MIDI continuous
controller messages (CCs) to external MIDI gear. If a CC number is assigned to a parameter
in the Program of the current Zone, the parameter name will be listed in the Destination list
in place of that CC number.
The Destination parameter determines the MIDI CC controller number that a physical
controller will send to the Program in the currently selected Zone. By default, these CC
messages are also sent to the MIDI Out and USB ports on the Channel of that Zone.
The list of CC controller numbers below (see page 9-24) shows the default assignments for
each destination. Programs respond to some of these CCs for standard MIDI functions like
volume and panning. Other external MIDI gear (sound modules, computer software) may
respond to standard MIDI CC messages as well. Standard MIDI CC’s range from 0-127 and
can be received by the Forte from external devices, while destinations 128-146 are internal to
the Forte only.
Continuous Controllers