Parts Included
Universal Helmet Lock assembly
Keys on ring
Tamper-proof screws
Installation Instructions
Please read and understand entire instructions before starting installation.
thank you for choosIng küryakyn!
Please note
It is the installers’ responsibility to make sure all fasteners (including pre-assembled) are
tightened before operation of motorcycle. Küryakyn will not warranty components that are
lost due to improper installation. Periodic maintenance may be required.
Test fit the helmet lock location before fully tightening the tamper-proof
screws. It is extremely difficult to remove the screws.
WArnIng! AvoId Loss of conTroL, dAmAge And serIoUs InjUry or deATH. do
noT oPerATe THe moTorcycLe WITH THe HeLmeT LocKed InTo THe UnIversAL
HeLmeT LocK.
tools suggested
flat blade screwdriver.
steP 1
Park the motorcycle on a hard, level surface; turn off the ignition and allow the
engine to cool.
steP 2
Test fit the helmet lock on the motorcycle to ensure that the helmet will not
damage or interfere with any other components on your motorcycle. do not install the
tamper-proof screws at this time.
It is very important to perform the “test-fit” due to the extreme difficulty in
removing the tamper-proof screws after they are tightened.
ensure clearance of painted surfaces
that could be damaged by a helmet or hot
surfaces that could cause damage to your helmet.
steP 3
Insert the tamper-proof screws through
the front side of the helmet lock as shown in PIc.1.
steP 4
Tighten screws evenly and ensure that
the helmet lock is properly clamped onto the tube.
fIts: any 1-1/4” to 1-1/2” round tube
u n I v e r s a l h e l m e t l o c k
4 2 3 2
be PosItIve of the
locatIon before
tIghtenIng tamPer-
Proof screws.