1 9 2 5 R o u t e 5 1 , J e f f e r s o n H i l l s , P A ,
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8 0 0 . 2 4 5 . 1 6 5 6 w w w . l e s k e r . c o m
Section 7: Field Calibration
The KJL-205 family of products can be calibrated in the field provided that an accurate vacuum
instrument standard exists. Typically, that instrument standard should be 4x as accurate, or at the
very least much more accurate than the KJL-205A.
Calibration Procedure
With instrument not plugged in (not powered up), turn screw in middle of meter face (with
special tool) to center needle over “DOT” on far right side of scale face
Plug in 5 volt A/C adapter, connect cable to KJL-6000SS sensor. System must be < 1 millitorr.
Connect voltmeter (set to DC millivolts) to bottom two test pads labeled “10mV+” and “10
adjust POT R2 “CALIBRATE” so meter reads 10.0 mV
Raise pressure to 200 millitorr. Adjust POT R1 “SPAN” so KJL-205A indicates 200
Pump system to 10 millitorr. Adjust POT R4 “ZERO” so the KJL-205A indicates 10. Caution
needed that vacuum system is holding at 10 mTorr
Re-check at 200 millitorr and adjust if necessary
Section 8: Troubleshooting
Here are a few trouble shooting steps:
Possible Causes
Meter stays at “●” on the right
This indicates the power off state. Verify the
supply is plugged into board power receptacle, and
the wall adapter is plugged in.
Meter stays near
Verify the system pressure is indeed below
1000 millitorr
Verify that the tube being used is a KJL-
6000SS or DV-6 equivalent
Verify sensor cable connected to controller
and to tube
Verify KJL-6000SS tube is good