Kudos Audio
• Harvey Court • Low Willington • Industrial Estate • Willington • County Durham • DL15 0UT
+44 (0) 845 458 6698
If you wish to use your Super 10A loudspeakers in an active configuration you will need one amplifier channel for
each drive unit in the speakers and a suitable, Kudos approved, active crossover. Incorrect connection may result in
serious damage to your loudspeakers. For further information contact your retailer or distributor or visit
The Super 10A loudspeaker has been designed to work in a wide range of rooms and should be easy to site. As a
general guide they should be placed 2m apart and at least the same distance from the main listening position.
Super 10A is a ported design but is ported at the rear of the cabinet to minimise the effects of room boundaries.
However in most circumstances we would recommend that the cabinets are placed at least 45cm away from
corners. Moving a loudspeaker closer to room boundaries may increase bass response, but may cause colouration
and unevenness in the mid-band.
All loudspeakers require a running in period and we would recommend you do not decide upon the final positioning
until your loudspeakers have had at least 100 hours of use. Once you have become more familiar with your new
loudspeakers a degree of experimentation with their placement can bring about
significant improvements.
Your loudspeakers will not be fully run in until they have had approximately 300 hours of use, but changes will be
smaller and more subtle as use increases.
Providing that you do not run your amplifier into “clipping” (sounding distorted or strained) your Kudos
loudspeakers should handle the power from most amplifiers in a domestic setting. As a rough guide we recommend
amplifiers with a power rating of between 25 and 250 watts per channel. Remember you are much more likely to
damage your drive units by using an underpowered amplifier than an
overpowered one.