Issue 01 MAR.19
1.Looking from the outside of the enclosure, slide the door into the
closed position, with the glass pushed up against the wall post. Check
the door glass is level with the wall post down the entirety of its edge.
2.If there is an uneven gap, the glass in the door can be adjusted either
up or down at each corner with the rollers. Using ozi-head Screwdriver,
loosen or tighten the bolt located on the top of each roller set. Each
roller has around 6mm of adjustment, clockwise will lower the glass,
anti-clockwise raises the glass.
Step 22 - Adjust Glass
1. On the
outside, silicone around all three junctions with the wall and tray, and also
on the frame where the sill meets the uprights. On the
inside, only silicone along the
two vertical junctions with the wall, and around the shim.
Step 24 - Silicone
Outside Only
Inside Only
Step 25 - Wait 24hr
1. Allow 24 hours before using the shower.
Do not silicone seal on the inside of
unit (except where shown). Sealing
the wall posts & sills to the tray on the
inside can result in leakage problems-
please note that, in use, water can
penetrate into the frame extrusions-
this has no detrimental effect to the
product- however, this water must be
allowed to drain out of the extrusions
to the inside. Silicone down the wall
posts wall junction, around the shim
and at the bottom between the fixed
glass seal and wall post.
2. Turn the two release levers, until
the slots in the rear arms of the
release levers sits onto the bottom
rail edge protrusion, holding the
bottom of the door in-place.
Step 21 - Fit Glass Door (continued)
Step 23 - Fit Overlap Seals
Bottom Notch
1. Take the ‘1873 Overlap Seal’ (PlexRF023), and fit to the edge of the fixed panel,
with the soft ‘skirt’ facing the inside, in order to contact with the sliding door glass.
Make sure the seal is fully sat fully down onto the glass clamp at the bottom of the
fixed panel.
2. Fit the 1912mm Overlap
Seal (PlexRF023) to the
inside edge of the sliding
door glass panel, with the
soft fin facing the fixed panel.
Notch the top and bottom
(approximately 16mm at
the bottom, and 25mm at
the top), to ensure a tight
contact with the glass clamp
at the bottom when in the
closed position.