thank you for choosing this high quality pasta machine Pastacasa of
KüchenProfi. Please read through the instructions carefully prior to using
it for the first time and keep them for future users.
Important Information
this appliance is intended for domestic use only. if the appliance is used or
handled in an inappropriate manner, we cannot be held responsible for
any ensuing damage.
General instructions
Please only use the included components as well as the separately
available original accessories. these fit optimally to the Pastacasa pasta
only use the pasta machine for its intended purpose to roll out and cut
fresh pasta dough. do not pass any other things through the rollers or
cutters to avoid damages. avoid jamming your fingers between the rollers
or cutters. Pay attention that no foreign items, long hair, ties, necklaces etc.
ensnarl between the rollers or cutters.
make sure that the pasta machine is fixedly mounted on the countertop
and that the crank is securely inserted into the opening for the rollers resp.
cutting rollers.
Before first use
clean the pasta machine before first use with a dry cloth.
fix the pasta machine on a suitable, sufficiently stable countertop using the
insert the crank into the opening of the rollers.
Pull the adjustment knob outwards, at the same time turn it to position 7, so
that the two rollers have the largest distance to each other
clean the rollers by rolling some pasta dough trough them. ensure that
the rollers have contact with the dough over the entire length, but that no
dough gets between roller end and housing. repeat the process until no
further residues from production can be seen in the dough. use the dough
in the same way to clean the cutting rollers from any residues. do not use
this dough to make pasta, but dispose of it.
the pasta machine is now ready for use.
BA Nudelmaschine PastaCasa 08 0700 28 00_Layout 1 16.02.16 10:30 Seite 7