Fan Rotary Switch (optional)
Indicator mark above switch indicates whether fan is operational or not and which speed has
been selected.
Temperature Control Rotary Switch (optional)
Indicator mark in upper left hand quadrant indicates flow volume of coolant through the heater
core. Turned left to maximum is maximum heat output. Turned right means valve has been
closed and no coolant will be flowing through the heater core.
Cab Circuit Protection
The Tektite ROPS cab is wired to provide maximum protection against accidental battery
rundown and circuit overload. A relay in the cab is ignition activated and prevents the operator
from accidentally leaving fan motors, lights on after turning the mower off and leaving for the
day. A circuit breaker is provided to prevent the cab electrical components from drawing more
power than they should be able to from a dead short. The cab electrical components are also
fused individually, and the fuse block is located in the headliner, directly above the door
opening on the left side. Locate the 3” snap cap, and with a small flat screw driver you can
remove the cap to examine the fuses provided. A decal on the fuse block indicates which fuse
is for which electrical option.
After your ROPS Cab has been installed:
Before starting a mower equipped with a Tektite ROPS cab:
1. Clear the operator platform of all tools. Tools left in or around the ROPS and mower can
cause operator interference which could lead to bodily injury and/or damage the machine.
2. Inspect the ROPS and mower to ensure all bolts are tight and re-tighten if required.
3. Ensure that all pedals, levers, and controls have adequate clearance for normal operation.
4. Ensure that all electrical components of both the ROPS and mower operate normally.
5. Ensure your door latches properly onto the striker pin. Immediately after installation, the
ROPS frame may flex slightly from installation, and the door latch will need to be re-aligned for
proper operation. Loosen the striker pin, striker mounting plate and door latch as necessary to
get a proper alignment of the door striker.
Service Parts Breakdowns:
Following are parts breakdowns for components that may require service parts replacement
during the life of the ROPS. If you require replacement parts, please contact the dealer that
you purchased the ROPS from and indicate which parts you require.
June 2021© Kubota F3990 Series ROPS Cab Operator Manual