4 Installation
Kübler Group
20 | EN
Operation Manual R60087.0009 - 03
4.1.1 General Information for the Installation
Do not disassemble or open the device
The function of the measuring system might be lost partly or
• Do not open or disassemble the measuring system. Other-
wise, the warranty will be void.
Do not modify the encoder and do not change the shaft
Encoder accuracy will be impaired and the function of the
bearings and seal may be lost partly or entirely.
• Do not machine the shaft or the housing subsequently (e.g.
grinding, sawing, drilling, etc.).
Do not subject the encoder to shocks or overload it
This would impair encoder accuracy and bearings and seal
• Do not use a hammer to align the encoder.
• Absolutely avoid impact stress.
• Do not subject the encoder shaft to axial or radial loads ex-
ceeding the values specified in the data sheet.
Do not connect the stator and the rotor rigidly to the ap-
The encoder would be mechanically constrained and thus
• For solid shaft encoders always use a suitable tolerance-
compensating coupling element between the drive shaft and
the encoder shaft.
• For tapered or hollow shaft encoders, always use a suitable
coupling element between the drive flange and the encoder
Procedure in the event of soiling
Clean and degrease the encoder shaft and the drive shaft be-
fore installation.
For assembly, use only checked and calibrated tools subjec-
ted to a quality system.