Kübler Group
5 Commissioning and Operation
Manual IO-Link interface - R67071.0002 - 02
EN - 45
Note the filter chain
The average value filtering takes place before the low-pass filter.
5.4.10 ISDU 128 - Acceleration Filter Bandwidth
This parameter defines the limit frequency of the low-pass filter.
The values range is 0 … 500 Hz, the value 0 disables the low-pass filter.
Note the filter chain
The low-pass filtering takes place after the average value filtering.
5.4.11 ISDU 140 - Temperature Value
Returns the current measured temperature. The measurement uses the temperature sensor
with an accuracy of approx. ± 2°C integrated in the encoder.
5.4.12 ISDU 147 - Temperature Min
Returns the lowest temperature measured since resetting with ISDU 149.
5.4.13 ISDU 148 - Temperature Max
Returns the highest temperature measured since resetting with ISDU 149.
5.4.14 ISDU 149 - Temperature Min / Max Reset
The values in ISDU 147 and ISDU 148 are reset to the currently measured temperature.
5.4.15 ISDU 165 - Operating Hours
This parameter returns the operating hours. The value is the number of hours since the very
first start-up.
5.4.16 ISDU 225 - Process Data Switch
This parameter allows configuring the position data output.
Process data according to the Standard Profile (position / velocity)
Process data according to the Smart Sensor Profile (PDI48)
Reserved for future use
The devices are supplied with preset "Standard Profile" or "Smart Sensor Profile", according to
the order code. Manual change is possible by writing the desired value via ISDU.
If the value is accepted, the device automatically performs the following actions: