- Subject to change without prior notice -
Operating instructions
Electronic totaliser with 2 ranges
1. Description
• 6digit double adding counter, resetable
• LED-Display with 14 mm high characters and
very high luminosity
• Display range 0..999999 with leading zero
• Programming of count functions and operating
parameters via the setting keys. During
programming the display guides the user with
text prompts.
• Programmable features:
Input polarity (npn or pnp)
Max. count frequency (30 Hz or 20 kHz)
Scaling factor (both totalisers in common)
Decimal point (both totalisers in common)
Reset mode (totaliser1 apart from totaliser 2):
manual and electrical
no reset
2. Inputs
Dynamic count input. Max. count frequency 30 Hz
or 20 kHz programmable via set up
Dynamic reset input. Linked to the red reset key.
Programmable for each counter separately.
3. Setting of the parameters
3.1 Selecting the displayed value
By pressing the right key, it can be chosen
whether the current value of totaliser 1 or totaliser
2 is displayed.
Pressing the right key once the current function
(„total1“ or „total2“) is displayed for 2 seconds. If
within this period the right key is pressed again,
the current function is changed. The display
shows the new function „total2“ or „total1“.
3. 2 Setting the operating parameters
a. Hold down both keys on front panel and switch
on supply voltage.
b. The display shows
c. After releasing the keys the display alternates
between menu title and corresponding menu
item at a frequency of 0.5 Hz. After any key is
pressed, only the menu item is displayed.
d. Pressing the right key, the menu item will be
switched to next value.
e. Hold down the left key and press the right key
to switch to the next menu title.
f. After programming the last menu item, the
programming routine will be left and the new
values will be stored by switching the menu
item to „YES“. If you chose „NO“, the
programming routine will be passed through
once again.
4. Programming routine
Programmable parameters are shown in
succession. After one pass, the device is fully
In each case the first shown item is the factory