LX1-1.1.2: D 03.06
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5.8.2. LX005
Refer to Figure 5-21 and proceed as follows:
3) First, insert (5) Load Chain into (3) Bottom Hook Set, and secondly insert (7) Chain Pin
through the bottom yoke, and next tighten the pin with (8) Slotted Nut, and then secure them
with (9) Split Pin bent.
Figure 5-21 LX005 Hook & Load Chain Attachments
6. Preoperational Checks
After assembly, ensure to perform the preoperational checks with the
following points before reuse.
1) Check defects in appearance, any parts left to be installed.
2) Perform lifting and lowering operations under no load with the load-side chain slightly pulled
and check the following items.
Should be free of irregular clicking sounds in lifting or abnormal sounds
Should be free of difficult pull to lift
Should be free of brake slipping
3) Set the select lever to “N” and with the no-load-side chain pulled lightly, turn (31) Chain Knob
counterclockwise fully into the free chain mode, and then check free chaining operation.
4) Ensure that the hoist operates properly under no load conditions before checking the hoist
under a load.