Parameter description:
Prioritize Traffic
Five Prioritize Traffic values are provided: Custom, All Low Priority, All
Normal Priority, All Medium Priority, and All High Priority.
The QoS setting would apply to all ports on the switch if one of the
following values is selected: All Low Priority, All Normal Priority, All
Medium Priority, or All High Priority.
Port Number
When Custom is selected for Prioritize Traffic, you may assign specific
Port Number for 802.1p Configuration.
802.1p Configuration:
Each Priority can select any of Queue. In Default, Priority 0 is mapping to
Queue normal, Priority 1 is mapping to Queue low, Priority 2 is mapping
to Queue low, Priority 3 is mapping to Queue normal, Priority 4 is
mapping to Queue medium, Priority 5 is mapping to Queue medium,
Priority 6 is mapping to Queue high, and Priority 0 is mapping to Queue