3.2 Port Setup
The middle part of previous figure shows all port status of the connected
switch. The right side shows port configuration setup page.
Port Status
Port Status page displays the current port status. The status are:
Port number (FX : FX port)
Port link status, Up = link up, Down = link down
Port speed, 100M = 100Mbps, 10M = 10Mbps
Duplex mode used, Full = full-duplex, Half = half-duplex
Flow Control Flow control status, enabled, disabled
The switch is featured with flow control enabled for all ports. However,
the flow control may be disabled after auto negotiation with the con-
nected device, if the connected device does not have flow control ability.
Port Setup
This page is used to set the port configuration for each port. As auto-
negotiation function is enabled, speed and duplex settings specify the
highest port ability for negotiation process between the switch and the
auto-negotiation capable link partner. When auto-negotiation function
is disabled, speed and duplex settings specify the forced port configura-
tion for the connection. Setup options are:
Enabled, disabled
100M = 100Mbps, 10M = 10Mbps
Full = full-duplex, Half = half-duplex
It is recommended to set auto-negotiation enabled in most of cases and
set it disabled only when connecting to an auto-negotiation incapable
full-duplex device.
Click to make the setup effective immediately