Owner’s manual
for example school, home, then set the security zone with „-” and „+”. Minimal
diameter of the security zone is 200 meters. Active zone is blue. To confirm,
press [Save]. A notification will be sent to the app, when the smartwatch’s user
leaves security zone.
Note: To set security zone it is necessary to have active GPS connection.
9. Settings
App settings.
10. Locate
Two systems are used to locate the smartwatch: GPS and LBS.
GPS system is the most precise way of locating that uses satellite connections
and ground-based receivers. It is only accessible, when the smartwatch’s user
is in the open space. Buildings and closed spaces block GPS signal. Smartwatch
location based on the GPS system is marked with a red tag and GPS writing on
the map.
When locating based on the GPS system is not possible (smartwatch’s user is in
the building), the smartwatch uses LBS system. LBS system uses cell towers to
locate. Smartwatch location based on the LBS system is marked with a blue tag
and LBS writing on the map.
11. History
Display the history of distance covered on a given day.
Main menu
Remote camera
Send a request for a photo to
the smartwatch. To do this, press
[Photograph]. Photo taken with the
smartwatch camera will appear after
about 30 seconds in the [Remote
camera] menu.
The smartwatch is equipped with a
motion sensor which allows to track
child’s activity- number of steps taken,
amount of calories burned, covered
distance as well as to monitor child’s
To be able to track child’s activity, make
sure that pedometer/sleep monitor
function has been enabled. To achieve
data on the amount of calories burned
and distance covered, input child’s
weight and step length.
Moreover, it is also possible to set the
time for the smartwatch to track child’s
Data synchronize every 10 minutes.