UFM 3030
This instrument is developed and manufactured by:
KROHNE Altometer
Kerkeplaat 12
3313 LC Dordrecht
The Netherlands
For information, maintenance or service please contact your nearest local KROHNE representative.
Notes on the service handbook
This service handbook is divided into four parts for easy use. All ultrasonic flow meters are factory-
set to your order specifications. Therefore, no further adjustments are necessary prior to initial start-
up. Condensed installation and operating instructions are available for installation and initial start-up.
Part A
Chapters 1, 2 and 3; System installation and start-up. Installation, connecting and
powering the flow meter.
Part B
Chapters 4 and 5; The signal converter. Operator control and functioning of the
signal converter.
Part C
Chapters 6 and 7; Functional checks and service. Servicing the flow meter.
Part D
Chapters 8, 9 and 10; Technical data. dimensions, block diagram and ultrasonic
measuring principle.