1.1 General
The OPTIMASS / OPTIGAS flowmeter systems consist of a mass flow sensor and a mass flow converter or a
mass flow sensor and associated apparatus.
The separate mass flow sensor with a mass flow converter is identified as:
OPTIMASS 1000 flow sensor with MFC 300 F flow converter; see PTB 06 ATEX 2036 X with PTB 06 ATEX 2038 X
OPTIMASS 1000 T6 flow sensor with MFC 300F T6 flow converter; see PTB 06 ATEX 2036 X with PTB 06 ATEX 2038 X
OPTIMASS 2000 flow sensor with MFC 300F flow converter; see PTB 06 ATEX 2036 X with PTB 06 ATEX 2038 X
OPTIMASS 3000 flow sensor with MFC 300F flow converter; see PTB 06 ATEX 2036 X with PTB 06 ATEX 2038 X
OPTIMASS / OPTIGAS 4000 flow sensor with MFC 300F flow converter; see PTB 06 ATEX 2036 X with PTB 06
ATEX 2038 X
OPTIMASS 7000 flow sensor with MFC 300F flow converter; see PTB 06 ATEX 2036 X with PTB 06 ATEX 2038 X
OPTIMASS 8000k flow sensor with MFC 300F flow converter; see PTB 06 ATEX 2036 X with PTB 06 ATEX 2038 X
OPTIMASS 8000/9000 flow sensor with MFC 300F flow converter; see PTB 06 ATEX 2036 X with PTB 06 ATEX 2038 X
OPTIGAS 5000 flow sensor with MFC 300F flow converter; see PTB 06 ATEX 2036 X with PTB 06 ATEX 2038 X
The separate flowmeter with associated apparatus is identified as:
OPTIMASS 1010C; see PTB 06 ATEX 2036 X
OPTIMASS 1010C T6; see PTB 06 ATEX 2036 X
OPTIMASS 2010C; see PTB 06 ATEX 2036 X
OPTIMASS 3010C; see PTB 06 ATEX 2036 X
OPTIMASS / OPTIGAS 4010C; see PTB 06 ATEX 2036 X
OPTIMASS 7010C; see PTB 06 ATEX 2036 X
OPTIMASS 8010kC; see PTB 06 ATEX 2036 X
OPTIMASS 8010C/9010C; see PTB 06 ATEX 2036 X
OPTIGAS 5010C; see PTB 06 ATEX 2036 X
The flowmeter in a compact configuration is identified as:
OPTIMASS 1300C (OPTIMASS 1000 + MFC300 ); see PTB 06 ATEX 2037 X
OPTIMASS 1300C T6 (OPTIMASS 1000 T6 + MFC300 T6); see PTB 06 ATEX 2037 X
OPTIMASS 2300C (OPTIMASS 2000 + MFC300 ); see PTB 06 ATEX 2037 X
OPTIMASS 3300C (OPTIMASS 3000 + MFC300 ); see PTB 06 ATEX 2037 X
OPTIMASS 7300C (OPTIMASS 7000 + MFC300 ); see PTB 06 ATEX 2037 X
OPTIMASS 8300kC (OPTIMASS 8000k + MFC300 ); see PTB 06 ATEX 2037 X
OPTIMASS 8300C (OPTIMASS 8000 + MFC300 ); see PTB 06 ATEX 2037 X
OPTIGAS 5300 C (OPTIGAS 5000 + MFC300 ); see PTB 06 ATEX 2037 X
Note that the OPTIMASS 9000 is not available in a compact configuration.All OPTIMASS sensors (separate
and compact) and converters are available with a painted finish for aggressive environments. For these
meters, the model name has the suffix “-Painted”
Example: OPTIMASS 1000-Painted
The output configuration of the MFC300 is described by the CG32…….XYZ number listed on the data label.
See section 4 for a detailed description.
All types are intended for use in Zone 1 Category 2
All types (except OPTIMASS 3000/3010C/3300C and
OPTIGAS 5000/5010C/5300C) are also intended for Zone 0 Category 1 areas. Refer to the Ex markings table
for each meter. In addition, certain versions of MFC300 have intrinsically safe signal outputs suitable for
use in Category 1 areas.
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