Addendum to Operating and Instruction Manual for “Modis” Converters
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The PROFIBUS-PA is normally connected to a segment coupler, which, among other things,
carries out conversion to the PROFIBUS-DP. Here, it needs to be noted in particular that the
segment coupler is normally set to a fixed baud rate on the DP side.
Further information on the planning and Operation of PROFIBUS-PA networks is to be found
in the KROHNE brochure “PROFIBUS-PA networks”.
2.1 GSD File
All available GSD files of KROHNE devices – including those of the MFC 081 i or 085 i, of
course - are supplied together with each device. The GSD contains information that is needed
for project planning of the PROFIBUS-DP/PA communication network. The relevant data files
must be loaded into the project planning system/master system before start-up of the bus
For example, the following applies to COMET 200 or COM PROFIBUS from Siemens:
all GSD files (*.GSD) into the directory of the GSD files, e.g. *\GSD
all BMP files (*.BMP) into the directory of the bit maps, e.g. *\BITMAPS
In STEP7, the GSD file is automatically copied into the respective directory with “install new
GSD” (in the HW-Config Menu: EXTRAS). After that, the bit map must be copied into the
directory *\SIEMENS\STEP7\S7data\Nsbmp. Following “catalogue updating” the device can
be placed in the project. This will then enable the cyclic communication (measured values and
The MFC 081/085 i are supporting the entire PROFIBUS-PA profile V 3.0. All devices have
two ident-no. and two GSD files. Ident-no. “F701” belongs to the GSD file KROHF701.GSD
and includes the complete functionality of the mass flow meter. The use of the manufacturer
independent Ident-no. “9742” (GSD file “PA_9742.GSD”) allows the user an interchange with
other mass flow devices from other manufacturers.
The limited functionality of the GSD file includes four function blocks:
Mass flow rate, density, temperature and mass flow totalizer.
You need the PA_9742 to use this functionality. Before this, the communication has to be
projected and it has to be switched from “full functionality” to “interchangeable basic
configuration” by using a Master Class 2 Tool (IDENT_NUMBER_SELECTOR: Slot 0, Index
40 change byte value from 1 to 0). After this has been done, the device has to be projected by
using PA _9742.