In the case of very confined areas, cold
air can reach a low temperature which
requires a ventilation system whereby
the atmospheric temperature does not
exceed 40ºC.
It is important for there to be sufficient
space to permit the motor block to be
dismounted horizontally (see minimum
space diagram in fig. 1, page. 38).
The equipment or set of motor pump,
filter and selection valve, will be
installed near the swimming pool at a
distance of no more than 3 m. from the
surface skimmers and preferably at a
level of 0.5 m. (never more than 3 m.)
below the level of the water, in order to
achieve its “under load” functioning.
The union of the nozzles and other
accessories incorporated in the
swimming pool will preferably be made
in PVC casing.
Pipe diameters will depend on flows.
The maximum water speed advisable in
the pipes will be 1,2 m/s. in aspiration
and 2 m/s. on return. In any event, the
diamenter of the aspiration pipe must
not be less than the diameter of the
pump nozzle.
The aspiration pipe must be perfectly
water-tight and must be installed with a
downward inclination, thus avoiding the
formation of air pockets.
The aspiration pipe can be either rigid
or flexible with a reinforced coil to avoid
In fixed installations, with the pump
below the water level, a shut-off valve
will be placed on the aspiration pipe
and another on the header pipe.
When using as a pump fixed to a mobile
device (during the movement of the
mobile device the pump must remain
steady),suitable electrical protection
must be provided and the pump must
be assembled on an insulated base.
- In general terms, the electrical
installation will fully comply with the
Regulations and Complementary
Technical provisions applicable and will
be performed by an authorised Installer.
- The supply will have neutral and earth
- The mains voltage must correspond to
that shown on the nameplate rating for
the equipment.
- The earth wire to be used must be
sufficient to take, without deterioration,
the current absorbed by the equipment
(see nameplate).
- The mains earth wire will be
connected electrically to all metal parts
of the equipment which should not be
under current, but which could
accidentally be affected by the same
and which are accessible to persons
(see figs. 2 - 4, pages. 38 - 39).
It is obligatory to install a protection and
operation switchboard which will
contain all necessary and recommended
elements. Ingeneral terms, it will
a) General cut-off or unipolar switch.
b) Short-circuit and overload protection
devices for motors.
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