Page 12 © Klaus Krick Modelltechnik Knittlingen August 2002
Now drill 8 small holes of 2mm diameter around the ventilation pipe and one each fore and aft into the
tower roof of the flood tank.
Installation of the Trunk Tubes
Drill the position for the fore fins in the hull out to 4mm and glue both trunk tubes (47) from the inside
with epoxy adhesive leaving approximately 3 to 4mm reaching out. Push the diving rudder shaft (48)
through the trunk for adjustment until the glue has set.
Then you glue the aft side rudder trunks into the hull. It is recommended to place the hull precisely on
its side into matching cushions, to push the two side rudders 34 through the trunks and then to support
these precisely with timbers from the floor to the lower rudder and between the lower and upper rudder
so that the trunks can be glued into place precisely and horizontally. A fast setting epoxy adhesive is
recommended for this, for example “UHU plus sofortfest”.
Assembly of the Fore Diving Rudder (Fin)
The fins drawn from the half shells are provided for the mobile model. Cut these out from the inside
and sand them flat. Open the half-round apertures for the rudder shaft.
Open Half Round
The rudder shaft (48) is flattened at both ends 10mm from the end with a file to ease drilling. Now drill
1.5mm holes at the same angle at both ends. If these holes are not drilled at the same angle, the
rudders will not be the same either.