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Manual : 573.032.212
Guards (motor cover, coupling shields, connectors,…) have been designed for a
safe use of the equipment.
The manufacturer will not be held responsible for bodily injury or failure and / or
property damage due to destruction, the overshadowing or the partial or total
removal of the guards.
REVERSING BLOCK (DOC. 573.045.050)
Disassemble cover (32) by removing CHc screws (33).
Dissociate female yoke (12) from the reversing block lever (9).
Dismount reversing-block by removing the screws (10 and 8).
Reinstall the new reversing-block in the reverse order of the
disassembly sequence.
CAUTION : the number of spirals must equally be distributed on each fastening parts in
order to get the above dimension.
Before reassembling the different components :
Clean the parts with the appropriate cleaning solvent.
Install new seals if it is necessary, after having lubricated them with PTFE grease.
Lubricate the piston and the inside of the cylinder to prevent from damaging the seals.
Install new parts if it is necessary.
31.85 mm ±0.5