Krell KAV–280p
The KAV–280cd has a discrete tape input and output. The tape
output is used to send an input signal from S-1, S-2, S-3, or B-1 to
a recording device or processor. You can use the tape feature in
three ways:
1. Use this button to playback pre-recorded tapes.
2. Use the tape input to compare the output signal of a three-
head analog tape recorder to the output signal of an audio
source, when making a recording. To activate this function,
select an audio source for recording using either the S-1, S-2,
S-3 (13), or B-1 (12) analog input buttons (5) or keys (24).
Press the tape button (6) or tape key (25) on the remote con-
trol to switch between the tape recorder output (red tape moni-
tor LED [7] illuminated) and the input source (red tape monitor
LED [7] not illuminated).
3. Use the tape output to create a processor loop, when the
KAV–280p is connected to a graphic equalizer or other ancil-
lary equipment. To activate this function, connect the equip-
ment to the KAV–280p tape outputs (15) as described in the
equipment manufacturer’s manual. Press the tape button (6) or
tape key (25) on the remote control to switch between the
processor output (red tape monitor LED [7] illuminated) and
the input source (red tape monitor LED [7] not illuminated).
When changing sources, lower the volume to off or mute the output. This
ensures that the next source played does not damage your system with
a high output transient.
Operating Your KAV–280p,
Tape Input and