AVDS - Operating the AVDS System
adjust the picture quality
For the Remote Long unit
To enter the tuning mode, hold down the Remote Long’s EQ/SKEW knob
(see Figure 8) for 4 seconds, the RGB LED turns red. During the tuning
procedure the RGB LED goes through a cycle of six different colors, with
each color representing a different parameter to tune
The color order is: Red > Green > Blue > White > Orange.
The colors mean the following:
Red, green and blue – red, green and blue skew correction
White – peak correction
Orange – gain correction
To adjust the picture for each color, rotate the knob. When the RGB LED
flashes it
means that the maximum or minimum tuning parameter has been reached.
Once the tuning is satisfactory, press the knob to save the adjustment and move
to the next color. By not pressing the knob, adjustments done for the currently lit
color, is not saved and the unit exits the tuning mode after approximately 13
seconds of inactivity.
Exiting Tuning Mode
The unit automatically exits the tuning mode either at the end of the color cycle -
after pressing and saving the orange color adjustment - or (as already mentioned)
at any point in the process after not touching the knob for approximately 13
seconds. The LED turns off.