Product Description
Hi-fi Soft mute 85358MOH for Honda & Acura
3G Drive & Talk Hifi Soft mute
enables the use of the car speak-
ers for phone conversation. The Hi-fi Soft mute box is designed to
handle the line signal running from the radio to the amplifier.
Speaker-function: This is achieved by using the mutebox-relays to
disconnect the rear line signals and connect the front line signals
to the carkit. This way the radio sound is muted and the sound
from the carkit is sent through the cars front speakers. You will
achieve a perfect hands-free sound without interference from the
car radio.
For a complete cable-set two item numbers are needed. The 1st
item number includes the mutebox and the car-specific cable-set.
The 2nd item number is a carkit-specific adaptor-cable for adapting
the car-specific cable to the carkit.
Power supply of the carkit: All car-specific cable-sets have an inte-
grated carkit power-supply. In the car-specific cable-sets the con-
stant 12v and the ground wire are connected to the 16 way con-
nector. This connector is to be fitted to the 16 way connector on
the carkit adaptor. This way power-supply, of the carkit, is
achieved without cutting the cars wiring loom.
Mute function: The mute-wire is connected from the carkit to the
mutebox through the carkit adaptor. The mute-wire is also con-
nected to the radios mute input. This enables the use of the radios
built in mute function. If the radios mute input pin is unknown the
mute wire can be found in a yellow fly-wire fitted with a bullet
connector. Please note that not all radios are equipped with a
mute function.
Made in Denmark by
Kram Telecom A/S
Connector configurations
Technical Specifications
Voltage supply range :
10-16 VDC
Current usage :
<5 uA (passive) / 40 mA (active)
Activation voltage
Active :
< +6VDC
Passive :
> +8VDC
Maximum output pr. speaker:
30 Watt RMS /
50 Watt music power @ 4 Ohm
(3 Amp relays)
Maximum current supplied by Mutewire:
10 mA. Active when grounded.
75 x 40 x 22 mm
Drive & Talk
Hi-fi Soft mute
Drive & Talk
Hi-fi Soft mute
SP + SP -
LR - LF -
RF -
RR -
LR + LF + RF + RR +
RR - RF -
LF -
LR -
RR + RF + LF + LR +