7. Tips for Effective Measurement
Do not allow external light to directly penetrate the room.
Fluctuation of values during measurement may occur if the examinee looks something other than the
target. Urge the examinee to concentrate on the target set in front.
Talk to the examinee in a relaxed and friendly manner, so as to allay any fear or doubt they may have.
Inappropriate height of a chin rest or a chair will cause the examinee fatigue. Adjust the (optional)
instrumental table to establish the most comfortable and convenient position for the examinee.
When the eyelash or eyelid interfere measurement, error will occur in measurement. Urge the
examinee to keep his/her eye wide open.
Tear residue or eye mucus, etc. trapped on the corneal surface may cause measurement errors. Check
the surface with LCD monitor, and if you see something moving when the examinee blinks, remove it
before measurement.
When the pupil of the eye to be examined is smaller than the minimum pupil diameter measurable,
correct measurement will be impossible. When the pupil is too small to take correct measurement,
make the surroundings (room) or the target darker to allow the pupil to dilate as much as possible.
If the examinee's head moves during measurement, AXIS value will be adversely affected.