• For 2 – 4 Players
• From 5 Y
• About 20 Minutes
Who will find the hiding sea sprites?
In the enchanted lagoon, the cheerfully mischievous sea
sprites are up to their usual antics. These underwater ghosts
— like Margie, Lisa, Don, Al, Luke, and Bob — have all sorts of tricks up their fins!
Sometimes they bother the big ghost octopus Ed a little too much. When this happens,
Ed reaches out his long tentacles and twirls them around, stirring up a whirlpool of
bubbly trouble. The sea sprites aren’t strong enough to swim against the whirlpool
current. They are swept up and spun all around the fizzing foaming reef.
Can you use your magical bubble goggles to find your sea sprite friends and pick them
out from the look-alikes? Dive into this shimmering underwater world to capture the
most slippery sea sprites. Capture nine and you win!
It’s easier said than done. These slimy creatures are blobs of confusion. You
might think you spot Bob, the blowfish ghost, but then when you look
closer, you see it is really Luke, the snail ghost. It takes a
keen eye to outsmart these aquatic look-alikes.
Let’s go fishing!
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