ShenZhen Korno Import&Export Co.,Ltd
4. Humi Correction:In this menu user were allow to modify the humidity parameter
manually as shown in figure 15.
5. Gravity Calibrate: In this The gravity sensor can be re-calibrated as shown in
figure 16.
Language Setting: User can switch between Chinese and English menu
as shown in figure 17.
2 Special Sub-menu:VOC Gas Name Setting and PM2.5 Sensor Setting.
These two sub-menu only will exist when the detector is equipped with VOC sensor and dust particle sensor.The user can
choose the specific VOC gas name as shown in figure18,and choose the detection unit or the min detect diameter of dust
particle as shown in figure 19-20.
6.2.2 History Data Log
User can check history log, view history log curve, export history log and clear
history log as shown in figure 21.
1.Check History Log:Press “OK” to enter this sub-menu,the sensor name,
quantity of history data will be shown,press “OK” again to check all previous
concentration datalogs as it shown in figures 22-23.
2.History Log Curve:`Press “OK” to check history log in curve format as it shown in figures 24-25.