1.4 Accelerate and braking
Moving the joystick forward is accelerating and moving
backward is braking. It is also possible to drive reverse.
You do this by pressing the mode button twice. You will
see the direction arrow change backward or forward on
the display. The direction can only be changed when the
e-skateboard is in neutral. Make sure the motors are
always at the back of the e-skateboard.
1.5 Battery indicator
On the display of the remote control you can read the
capacity of the battery for the e-skateboard and the
remote control. The icon with R is for the remote control
and the icon with B is for the e-skateboard.
The e-skateboard will go slower when the battery runs
out. When the battery is almost completely empty, the
e-skateboard will eventually go very slowly and stop.
This is due to the decrease in battery capacity.
It is always important that there is power in the battery
because the lifespan decreases when there is no power
in the battery at all. This will damage the battery and
reduce the range.