To activate (or disactivate) the subtitle, press the SUB-T key on remote con-
trol, a window shows the available options. Via arrow keys highlight the desi-
red option and select with OK, the windows will be closed, and the subtitles
will be available. In the factory settings the subtitles are disabled (OFF).
Channel organization
The channels are by default organized according to LCN (Logical Channel
Numbering), which allows to automatically assign to each television service
received a predefined position within the list. You can change the numbering
to your liking by accessing the PROGRAM menu, pressing the MENU button
on the remote control and the arrow keys, and then to the submenu CHAN-
NEL EDIT, using the arrow keys and the OK key. Or opening the channel list
with the OK key and the pressing the YELLOW key on the remote control.
The CHANNEL EDIT menu allows you to delete one or more channels, move
them, lock them, add them to the favorites list skip one or change their name.
To delete a channel, press 1 on the numeric keypad of the remote control,
the first icon on the top left (bin, ) is highlighted, use the arrow keys to posi-
tion the channel to be deleted and press the OK key. Next to this appears,
the channel has not yet been deleted, you can cancel the selection by typing
OK (the red disappears). When you have finished selecting the channels
to delete, press the EXIT button, the system asks you to confirm the action
(saving the deletion will be effective).
The selected channel is deleted, and the list is repositioned to cover
the hole. You can select the entire list by pressing the RED button on the
remote control.