1.6 Product Troubleshooting
Vehicle Linking Error
A communication error occurs if the scan tool fails to communicate with the vehicle’ s ECU (Engine Control Unit). You
need to do the following to check up:
• Verify that the ignition is ON;
• Check if the scan tool’ s OBD II connector is securely connected to the vehicle' s DLC;
• Verify that the vehicle is OBD2 compliant;
• Turn the ignition off and wait for about 10 seconds. Turn the ignition back to on and continue the testing.
• Verify the control module is not defective.
Operating Error
If the scan tool freezes, then an exception occurs or the vehicle's ECU (Engine Control Unit) is too slow to respond to
requests. You need to do the following to reset the tool:
• Press and hold POWER button for at least 2 seconds to reset the scan tool.
• Turn the ignition off and wait for about 10 seconds.
• Turn the ignition back to on and continue the testing.Scan tool doesn't power upIf the scan tool won’t power up or
operates incorrectly in any other way, you need to do the following to check up:
• Check if the scan tool's OBDII connector is securely connected to the vehicle's DLC;
• Check if the DLC pins are bent or broken. Clean the DLC pins if necessary.
• Check vehicle battery to make sure it is still good with at least 8.0 volts.
1.7 OBDII Diagnostics
When more than one vehicle control module is detected by the scan tool, you will be prompted to select the
module where the data may be retrieved. The most often to be selected are the Power train Control Module
[PCM] and Transmission Control Module [TCM].
CAUTION: Don't connect or disconnect any test equipment with ignition on or engine running.
1)Turn the ignition off.
2)Locate the vehicle’s 16-pin Data Link Connector (DLC).
3)Plug into the scan tool cable connector to the vehicle’s DLC.
4)Turn the ignition on. Engine can be off or running.