Description top view:
1. Start / Brake:
Turning the control knob to control the Start/Brake time.
Time range: 0-8 seconds, adjust unit: 0.1sec.
2. RELAY (not available at this stage)
Press the „RELAY“ button to activate. When one unit is in „play“ mode, and the other unit is in
„pause“ mode; pause the playing unit, the other unit will automatically start to play (the button will
3. DUMP (not available at this stage)
It is similar to Reverse effects. As it switches On, music plays backwards, but when it switches off,
music backs to normal playing from the first play position. For example, start Dump from 00:40
and cancel at 00:35, the music backs to play from 00:45.
The Dump buffer time is about 15 seconds, if there is no more buffer, the music stops DUMP.
In auto Mode, user is able to select the range of the DUMP time, (1//4/8 of BPM). Please switch
Auto/Manual mode from Menu.
The music plays backwards. This sound effect can be performed independently, or in parallel with
other effect.
Move the JOG Wheel backward or forward like scratching a turntable record. This sound effect
can be performed independently, or in parallel with other effect.