17 Change of color
When ambient environment or media changes, color changes.
[Probable cause]
Image forming process features changes due to the change of environment (temperature and
humidity) and media and effect of previous job coverage.
Perform Auto gamma Adjustment from utility menu or service mode then calibration.
If color change at highlight part is remarkable, perform Auto gamma adjustment, perform
printer gamma offset adjustment, then controller calibration in order.
Auto gamma adjustment
Service mode => [02 Process Adjustment] => [02 Drum Peculiarity Adj.] => [03 Auto
gamma adjustment]
Utility/Counter => [03 Machine Admin. Setting] => [01 System Setting] => [05 Expert
Adjustment] => [08 Execute Adjust Operation] => [Automatic Gamma Adj.]
Printer gamma offset adjustment
Utility/Counter => [03 Machine Admin. Setting] => [01 System Setting] =>[ 05 Expert
Adjustment] => [07 Quality Adjustment] => [ 01 Printer Gamma Offset Adj.]
Calibration (Refer to
34. Calibrtaion Procedure
Follow to procedure specified for each controller. To perform accurate calibration,
perform calibration using the actual paper with the specific setting of paper type and
paper weight.
CAUTION: Please note that Printer Gamma Offset Adj. result affects both copy and printer
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