bizhub PRO 951
hdparm.c - Command line interface to get/set hard disk parameters
- by Mark Lord (C) 1994-2007 -- freely distributable */
zlib/libpng License
The deflate format used by zlib was defined by Phil Katz. The deflate and zlib specifications were witten by
L. Peter Deutsch. Thanks to all the people who reported problems and suggestd various imporvements in
zlib; they are too numerous to cite here.
1.0 General License Terms. This Java Distribution License ("JDL") is between Sun Microsystems, Inc. ("Sun")
and You where "You" means the
individual or legal entity exercising rights under this JDL. "Technology" means the following as provided un-
der this JDL: (i) the source code and binary code
from the Reference Implementation ("RI") of the JavaTM Advanced Imaging version 1.1.x Specification (the
"Specification") and related documentation, all as
revised or upgraded and made available hereunder; and (ii) the associated technology compatibility kit
("TCK"). The TCK contains the TCK documentation,
user's guide ("TCK User's Guide"), test tools and test suite associated with the Specification, as revised or
upgraded by Sun. The TCK is provided so that You
may determine if Your implementation is compliant with the Specification. "Modifications" means any (i)
change or addition to or derivative of the
Technology; or (ii) new source or object code implementing the Specification for the Technology. "Commer-
cial Use" means: (i) Your use of the RI and/or
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You agree to the terms of this JDL.
2.0 License Grants, Restrictions and Termination.
2.1 Commercial Use and Internal Deployment License Grants. Subject to the terms of this JDL, Sun grants
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alty-free license to modify, compile, reproduce,
distribute, internally use and internally deploy code and related documentation from the RI and/or Modifica-
tions for Commercial Use, but only as part of Your
own Compatible Implementation (as defined below), and only if You make such distributions as follows:
(i) Source Code. You can only distribute source code for the RI and Modifications under all of the following
conditions: (a) You make such
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You provide a copy of this JDL to each such receipient;
(ii) Binary Code. You can distribute binary code for the RI and Modifications but only under license terms
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2.2 TCK License Grant. Subject to the terms of this JDL, Sun grants to You, to the extent of Sun's licensable
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