Automatic Operation:
With a Konica Automatic Hexanonlens on your Konica Autoreflex-A3, just check the indicator needle in the
viewfinder, which shows the exact aperture the camera is selecting...and shoot! The automatic aperture
mechanism sets this lens opening for you at the moment of exposure-and you can concentrate
on your subject,
instead of your camera. This is the decisive advantage of the Konica Autoreflex system.
Semi-Automatic Operation:
Yet, this amazingly precise instrument actually allows more actual control of aperture and shutter than most
non-automatic cameras, because shutter and aperture are cross coupled, with easily-seen in-finder readouts to
tell you exactly what your camera's doing at all times. Thus, if you wish to use a specific lens aperture for
maximum (or minimum) depth-of-field, just change the shutter speed until the aperture you want is indicated by
the needle. With the Konica Autoreflex-A3, you see the exact lens aperture being used at all times! (Semi-
Automatic operation is also possible with uncoupled lenses and accessories; see page 21.)
Manual Operation:
Full manual operation is possible at any time, with any ten or accessory: just move your Hexanon AR lens off
the AS (EE) position, dial the desired aperture, choose your shutter speed and shoot. (The meter indicator
continues functioning for information purposes only.)
As long as the Meter Needle (41) is in the white area between the upper (40) and lower (43) red bands,
shoot...your picture will be perfectly exposed!