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3.2 Electrical Installation
The RT1200/1400 has four electrical connections - the handset/fistmike socket is on the front
panel below the LCD display (Fig 3.4A). The other three are situated on the back of the case - the
antenna socket is on the left (Fig 3.4B). DC power is supplied to the set via a two core flying lead
(Fig 3.4C), below which is a 3.5mm jack socket for an optional extension speaker (Fig 3.4D). This
socket is covered by a weather plug when not in use.
The VHF requires a 12v DC supply to operate, and is supplied with a power lead which incorpo-
rates an in-line 7.5 amp fuse. This lead should be connected to the vessel’s power supply, keep-
ing the cable runs as short as possible. Although the radio draws very little current when receiv-
ing, a heavier current is drawn when transmitting which may result in a voltage drop if very long
cable runs are used of inadequate core diameter. If the supplied power lead is not long enough,
an extension of up to 3m (10 ft) can be made using at least 2.5mm
(13AWG) wire.
The red wire is positive and black is negative. If polarity is accidentally reversed, the set is protected
but the fuse will blow. Ensure that it is replaced with a fuse of the correct 7.5 amp rating. The radio
is designed to be easily removable for storage or security, so leave an adequate length of cable to
ease disconnection. The flying lead from the rear of the radio can then be plugged into the power
supply lead. Note that the configuration of the plug prevents incorrect connection.
The antenna is connected to the radio using a standard PL259 type connector as fitted to most
marine antennae. If fitting to an existing antenna, check that the contacts are not corroded before
connecting, as this will affect the quality of the signal. Ensure that the retaining collar of the
antenna plug is securely tightened to prevent accidental disconnection.
The extension speaker socket takes a standard 3.5mm jack plug. The speaker used must have a
minimum impedance of 8
- Handset/
- Antenna
- 12v DC
Fig 3.4 - External connections