About this manual
This manual provides the information and procedures required to use the M3 Sonar API.
Target audience
This manual is intended for all users of the M3 Sonar.
A good understanding of system functions and controls is essential to fully take
advantage of the functionality provided. A careful study of the information in this
manual is highly recommended, preferably while exploring the M3 Sonar functionality.
We assume that you are familiar with the basic setup and operation of the M3 Sonar. We
also expect that you have some experience with sonar operation.
License information
The M3 Software is included with the M3 Sonar system and updates are available free of
charge and can be downloaded from:
Software version
This M3 Sonar Instruction Manual complies with M3 software version 2.4.
Registered trademarks
Observe the registered trademarks that apply.
is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and
other countries.
M3 Sonar
is a registered trademark of Kongsberg Mesotech Limited in the United
States and other countries.
We want your feedback
We want to improve M3 Sonar continuously. We also want our end-user documentation
to be comprehensive and relevant. You can help. Please provide comments, suggestions
or constructive criticism to our support office. You can contact us by phone at
+1 604 464 8144, or by email at: