Konect KT2S Manual Download Page 2


Compartment Tray

Steering Trim Dial 

* In general, user will experience under steer when making a wide turn at 

  high speed or over steer when making sharp turn at high speed (easy to

  spin out). User should practice the throttle and steering approach for 

  different cornering at different speed or road surface.

Battery Installation 



The Transmitter KT2S


Steering Wheel :

 Control direction (Left / Right) of the RC model.        

                  Throttle Trigger :

 Control speed and direction (Forward/Brake/Backward)

                                               of the driving model.



      Antenna :


Transmit signal to the model.

                  Power ON / OFF :


Power ON / OFF the transmitter

   SYNC & Battery Indicator :

 Top Green LED light indicates synchronization status 

                                               and/or adequate battery power supply.  

                  Power Indicator :


LED light indicates power “ON”.

                                      ATV :


Adjustable Steering Rate by ATV dial

                       ST. Trim Dial :


Adjust  the neutral position of  steering servo when model

                                               wheels are straight ahead.

                      TH. Trim Dial :


Make sure the model stays still when releasing  the

                                               throttle trigger.

 Battery Compartment Tray :


Cover and hold the batteries powering the transmitter. 

Supplied with 4 x 1.5V AA Batteries, 

KT2S can be operated a few hours.  

Installation: Remove the battery 

compartment cover as shown below.

Install the batteries observing 

the polarity marked on battery 


Then reinstall the battery 

compartment cover as the 

Picture shown below.

Warning :


Never disassemble batteries or 

put the batteries in fire, chemical agents, 

otherwise they may cause personal injuries 

or property damages.

Battery Disposal :


Observe corresponding 

regulations about wasted battery treatment 


1. After running out of power, dispose of

    wasted batteries in designated areas far

    away from water supply, household areas

    and planted areas.

2. Submit the wasted batteries to specific

    recycling stations. 

Battery LED Indicator

- During normal operation, the LED should be solid green ON

- when battery voltage is dropped below 3.8V, the LED will become red color and 

flashing very slowly, to indicate battery is low, you should replace new battery asap.

Pre-Run Check

Steering Wheel

Throttle Trigger

Throttle Trim Dial 

Bind / Setup Key


Power Indicator 




* Always turn on the transmitter first by sliding the switch on the left side from bottom

   to top. The green lights above the switch should light up. If not, you need to check for

   low or incorrectly installed batteries.

1. Steering : Adjust the steering trim to 

    keep the front wheels in straight line

    when steering wheel remains in

    NEUTRAL position.

2. Throttle : Adjust the throttle trim to

     ensure the rear wheels stop rotating

     when throttle trigger remains in

     NEUTRAL position.



Throttle Reverse Switch

Steering Reverse Switch
