Guide to setup
Only professional personnel with extensive knowledge of control and amplifier technology
are allowed to setup the servo amplifier.
Before setting up, the manufacturer of the machine must generate a risk assessment for
the machine, and take appropriate measures to ensure that unforeseen movements can-
not cause injury or damage to any person or property.
Check assembly /
Check that all the safety instructions in the instructions ma-
nual for the servo amplifier and this manual have been ob-
served and implemented. Check the setting for the station
address and baud rate.
Connect PC,
start setup software
Use the setup software to set the parameters for the servo
Setup basic functions
Start up the basic functions of the servo amplifier and opti-
mize the current, speed and position controllers. This secti-
on of the setup is described in the in the online help of the
setup software.
Save Parameters
When the parameters have been optimized, save them in
the servo amplifier.
Start up bus
Using the SERCOS screen in the DriveGUI setup software,
configure the address, baud rate and optical power on the
servo amplifier to operate properly with the sercos
These values can also be adjusted via a terminal emulator
program such as the terminal in the servo amplifier's setup
software or the Microsoft Windows
(see p.14).
When set successfully, save the parameters in the servo
The altered parameters will only become effective after a
software-reset. To do this, click the Reset button in the tool
bar of the setup software or from a terminal type “SAVE”
followed by “COLDSTART”.
Automatic Start
Risk of death or serious injury for humans working in the machine. The drive performing
unplanned movements during commissioning cannot be ruled out. Make sure that, even
if the drive starts to move unintentionally, no danger can result for personnel or machi-
nery. The measures you must take in this regard for your task are based on the risk as-
sessment of the application.
for S300/S700
Installation / Setup