AKD SynqNet | 8 SynqNet Drive Parameters
8 SynqNet Drive Parameters
The drive's functionality is designed to use various drive parameters and instructions, which are com-
municated over SynqNet. Some parameters have read-only access, whereas other parameters may have
read/write access. The parameters can be stored in non-volatile memory on the drive and are used on each
power-up cycle.
Examples of read-only drive parameters are:
Examples of read/write drive parameters are:
Drives are shipped with motor parameters set to zero and application parameters set to default values. Para-
meters may be modified using AKD WorkBench, or by SynqNet parameter methods.
SynqNet parameter methods include:
MPI function calls from customer application code. For example, mpiSqDriveParamSet()
sqDriveConfig.exe command line utility (gets/sets parameter sets based on a *.dm (drive map) file)
sqDriveParam.exe command line utility (get/set individual parameter)
For more information on SynqNet parameter methods visit :
Some SynqNet functions sqDriveConfig reference a "dm" (drive map) file to define a set of parameters.
The dm file uses an ascii format and is often a helpful reference to the programmer. An ascii editor may be
used to modify the dm file. The dm file may contain multiple parameters set specific to different firmware ver-
sions (the format also allows multiple versions to reference the same parameter sets).
Each MPI release will ship with the latest known Kollmorgen_AKD.dm file. However, each AKD firmware
release will generate an updated Kollmorgen_AKD.dm file which may not be in your MPI release. Check the
Kollmorgen web site, or contact Kollmorgen support if you need an updated Kollmorgen_AKD.dm file.
Supported parameters for a drive may be different, depending on the version of firmware.
8.1 SynqNet Supported Parameters
Most AKD parameters can be modified over SynqNet. There are three reasons why parameters may not be
supported over SynqNet:
1. The feature may not be supported by AKD SynqNet. For example, velocity mode.
2. The feature may have an alternate method without parameters. For example, analog inputs and out-
3. The feature may be disabled while SynqNet is in operational cyclic mode. For example, service
AKD SynqNet supports all AKD parameters except the following
BODE.xxxx (Bode Plot)
CS.xxxx (Controlled Stop)
GEAR.xxxx (Gearing)
GUI.xxxx (GUI)
Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 2020