2-8 Operation
TP-5631 7/96
Fault Shutdowns
The generator set shuts down automatically under the
following fault conditions. The generator set will not run
until the fault condition has been corrected.
shutdown switches automatically reset when the
problem is corrected or the generator set cools (if high
engine temperature was the fault).
Low oil pressure will not function during the first 30
seconds after start-up. If the cause of the shutdown is
not corrected, the generator set can be restarted (after
controller reset) and will run approximately 30 seconds
before shutting down again.
See Resetting Fault
Shutdown procedure.
Shutdown occurs after 45 seconds of
continuous cranking.
Shutdown occurs after 75
seconds of cyclic cranking (crank 15 seconds, reset 15
seconds, crank 15 seconds, etc. for a total of 75
seconds). Shutdown occurs after 15 seconds if engine
or starter will not turn (locked rotor).
Generator set shuts down immediately
when governed frequency exceeds 70 Hz (2100 rpm) on
50 and 60 Hz models.
Low Oil Pressure.
Shutdown occurs 5 seconds after
fault. Low oil pressure shutdown will not function during
the first 30 seconds after start-up.
The generator set shuts down and
auxiliary lamp lights when voltage is 15% or more over
nominal voltage for 2 seconds or more. Overvoltage
shutdown is standard on controllers.
Overvoltage can damage sensitive equipment in less
than one second.
Install separate overvoltage
protection on on-line equipment requiring faster