Page 1: ......
Page 2: ...Picture ta ring rt ith the No 2 I olding utographic Brownie Carnera Rapid Rectilinezrr f ens ...
Page 3: Boxes Brownie Enlarging Cameras Iiastman Royal Bromide Paper Eastman Standard Bromide Paper Ezrstman Velvet Bromide Paper Iiastman Brilliant Velvet Bromide Paper Eastman Matte Enameled Bromide Paper Eastman Enameled Bromide Paper Kodak Dry Mounting Tissue Eastman Tested Chemicals Tripods and Other Specialties Trade Marks Reg Ll S Pat Of t SePtember 1923 www orphancameras com ...
Page 4: ... sent to us within 30 days Irom the date the carnera was purchased EASTMAN KONET CO TPENY i To rne EASTMAN Koo q r Co RocHEstrn N Y I In accordance with your ofier please place my narne on the tnailing listfor KoDAKERY with theund et standing that there is to be no cost to me I having Purchased a Name of Dealer i o ___ D Ii i I i Print your natne and address plainly year only on price will be the ...
Page 5: ...Picture tahing witlt the No 2 Folding A urographic Brownie Camera Rapid Rectilinear Lens Publisheil by E rsruaw Koter Coupaxv RocnBsrpn N Y t ffi www orphancameras com ...
Page 6: ...the carton on the cartridge and on the Autographic door which is located on the back of the camera Autographic film can be used in old style Brownies old style film can be used in Autographic Brownies but to get auto graph ic resu lts Autographic film must be used in an Autographic Brownie IMPORTANT When Autographing film bear down with the stylus as heavily as the paper will stand without tearing...
Page 7: ...xposures several times before threading uP the film The first thing for the amateur to bear in mind is that the light which serves to impress the photographic image upon the sensitive film in a fraction of a second when it comes through the lens can destroy the film as quickly as it makes the picture Throughout all the operations of loading and unloading be extremely careful to keep the red paper ...
Page 8: ...utter I nstantaneous Exposures Focusing Diaphragms Making the Exposure Autographic Feature Time Exposures I nteriors To Make a Portrait Time Exposures Outdoors Flash light Exposures Panr III Removing the F ilm Finishing the Pictures 5 11 11 14 15 17 19 25 29 34 36 37 43 48 ...
Page 9: ...n the spool otherwise it may slip and loosen sufficiently to TnB Frr_u fog the film No 4 120 1 To load the camera take a position where the dayligl t1 is somewhat subdued not in the direct sunlight and remove front of camera To do this push metal lock to the right Fig 1 page 6 Then grasp the front of camera by the two metal edges and lift it upwards first lifting that end on which the lock is fast...
Page 10: ... Fig 1 2 At each end of the camera will be found a recess for holding the film spools ...
Page 11: ...ease the spool and it can then be readily removed Fig 3 3 Break and remove the gummed band that holds the end of red paper from the cartridge unfold the end and thread the red paper into the longer opening of the slit in empty spool so that the slot in the end of spoot witt be at the toP wh ile at the sarne time the slot at enil of ful spool will be at the bottom of the cartr idge Then give the em...
Page 12: ...lit in reel as far ss it wiilVo By oing this the red paper will not be lia6le to slip 4 The camera may _ now be loacled by first u nrolling about four inches of the recl prp r d then placing the two spools into the filir po t i at each end of the cameia Fig 5 Important Be sure to get the top of spool at top of ca rera each spool is marked with thb worcl Top oo ih red paper near the top of the spoo...
Page 13: ...nt drag to draw the film taut ancl afford perfect register of the focal plane Press in on the winding k y in top of carnera and turn it to the left until the web on the key fits into slot in top of ernpty spool which is the reel Fig 6 Caution If you turn off too much of the red paper before the camera is closed the film will be uncovered fogged and ruined 6 The camera must now be closed reversing ...
Page 14: ...era is covered with red paper and this must be partly reeled off before a picture can be taken Turn the kev to the left and watch in the little red window in the back of the camera when about ten or twelve turns have h l given a black index hand will appear in the little red window This hand is a warning that the first number is approaching Then turn the kev slowly until figure 1 appears exactly i...
Page 15: ...sed section of the film is turned into position Operatin the Shutter Perfect familiarity with the shutter is essential to successful picture taking with any camera The following directions should therefore be carefully read and the shutter operated several times before threading the film up for use NorB The shutter is self setting Exposures are made by pressing push pin at end of cable release D o...
Page 16: ...the lever B to U S g Lever B controls the iris diaphragm and U S 8 is the proper opening for ordinary Instantaneous Expo sures when the subject is in bright sunshine using speed 25 Third Press push pin at end of cable release D or push down on exposure lever C Th is mahes the exposure Norp Press push pin on cable release with a firm quick movement at the same time be sure to hold the camera figid ...
Page 17: ...ulb ExPosures When it is desirable to make a very short time exposure this is best accomplished by making a Bulb Exposure First Move the lever A to the point B bulb This adjusts the shutter for Bulb Exposures Second Move the lever B controlling the stops to U S 4 8 76 32 or 64 See instructions for the use of the diaphragms or stops as given on pages 17 and 18 also the table for making Interior Tim...
Page 18: ...portraits indoors see page 34 Use Stop U S 8 and Speed 25 fot all ordinary outdoor work when the subject ts rn the bright sunshine use stop U S g and use speed 25 If a smallgf ltop is uied fo orai uiy snaps hots the light will be so much reduced thai tt wrll not sufficiently impress the image on the film and failure will result When ma king portraits out of doors when the sun ls shining_ brightly ...
Page 19: ...the lever on front of camera located at the winding end Fig 1 This unlocks the bed of camera Then pull lever forward and push down the bed of camera to the limit of motion At the front of camera bed and at one side will be found a focusing scale which is to be used for focusing the camera The focusing scale has three slots marked B 25 and 100 feet It is not necessarv to estimate the distance with ...
Page 20: ... then use a Kodak Portrait Attachment see page 35 or use a small stop opening see table on page 17 What Depth of Focus Means Suppose now that the lens is used at its full opening U S 4 and the focus is set at eight feet An object eight feet distant will be absolutely sharp but objects six and twelve feet distant will not be Stop the lens down to U S 16 and those objects each side of the exact poin...
Page 21: ...n infinite distance from the lens 29 15 63 Inf 66 r10 to to 9to s t t to to to 22 T4 6 Inf Inf 11 1 2 61 06 nf nf 36 toI toI to I7 IT 6 In Inf 18 co to to 13 e s 9 nf l l l f le It l4 Ir I 3 to rzt to to r1 o o C o O 4 u s I u s l6 u s 32 U S 64 COPYRIGHT 1922 BY EASTMAN KOOAK COMPANY Diaphra9ms The diaphragms sometimes called stops should be used as follows U S 4 For instantaneous exposures on sl...
Page 22: ... the table on page 33 U S 32 For instantaneous exposllres of extremely distant views marine snow scenes and cloucis in bright sunshine using speed 25 also for Time Exposures U S 64 For Time Exposures C utdoors in clotrdy weather l euer for instonlaneou ex ltosures The tirne required for time exposures on clotrdy days with smarllest stop will range from 1 second to 8 seconds accorcling to the liglr...
Page 23: ...d for the distance desired 8 25 or 100 feet and the camera will be in focus for the distance at which you place the catch Fig 2 page 18 Norri The focusing scale is marked both for feet and for meters zrnd czrre shoulc l be taken not to confound them The catch or locking device is on the left side at the bottom of front boardn and to set the focus press the lever then pull out front of camera to th...
Page 24: ... vs a facsimile of the picture as it will appear but on a redr rcecl scale Aty object that cloes not shou in the finder will not show in the picture I t will be noticed that the top of the finder is notchecl as shown in Fig 5 page 21 This is done so that the one finder will correctly show the view included when the camera is held in either vertical or horizontal position As the picture taken with ...
Page 25: ...ithin the shaded portions will not show in the picture Fig 6 shows how to hold the carnera when mak ing an exposure without the use of the cable release Grasp the bed of camera firmly with the left hand steady it with the right and with the thumb of the right hand lightly push down on the exposure lever Fig 6 21 www orphancameras com ...
Page 26: ...Important When making instantaneous exposures with any camera hold it firmly against the body 22 ...
Page 27: shown in illustrations and when operatin the cable release or pushin down on the exposure lever hold the breath for the instant 23 www orphancameras com ...
Page 28: ... was pointed too high This building should Camera Level ig 7 Effect produced by tilting the camera have been taken from the building opposite and at a level corresponding with the middle of the subject The operator should hold the camera leael af ter withdrawing to a proper distance as indicated by the image shown in the finder If the object is down low like a small child or a dog the camera shoul...
Page 29: back of the film thus securing the sharp printing of the image of the writing and preventing the diffusion of light arounC the edges of the slot This slot is located so that normally the writing colnes between the exposures tjn B rt6 T qgd t c Wtfr a rrt Grnrln rThptu ucd Pfi Tllt ftxrrqt e qrA firasfr f 4 ilr ft Tt o rt twsrdddFiFl ffi rrt r e Ak t r F r4r fa a m il f Tn nsrt H agr lll fdfm Ct...
Page 30: ... n ia the causes of failure if any By compu i g A tives and records he will soon get a line o il errors and when he knows what hir rrors are he 9ar easily rectify them It is obvious that the best_ way to make these records is autographicallt on th e rtl at the time The Operation After the picture is taken lift up the spring door on back of camera with thumb Fig g ule a stylus held in as upright a ...
Page 31: ... a clear irnpression press firmly on both up and down strokes While writing or afterwards the sun should not be allowed to shine upon the paper The action of the stylus so affects the tissue as to permit the light to record the writing upon the film After finishing the writ ing the door should be left open for the printing in accordance with the following table 5 to 7 Seconds ffi Incandescent Ligh...
Page 32: ...ters perfectly in the red window in the back of the Brownie Turn a new section of film into position Press in slightly on the winding k y in top of camera and turn it slowly to the left until the next number appears in the red window Three or four turns will be sufficient to accomplish this See Fig 10 The warning index hand appears only before No 1 Repeat the foregoing operations for each picture ...
Page 33: ...on trle reo Paper Time ExPosures Interiors To make a Time Exposure open and focus the camera as when making an Instantaneous Ex posure see pages 15 and 16 then place the camera in position on a table chair tripod or some other firm support If a table or chair is used be sure to place the camera not more than two or three inches from the edge so as to a void including part of the table Diagram show...
Page 34: ...a ver tical exposure The camera is il o provided with tripod sockets and may be used on a tripod when it is desired to make a horizontar time exposure without the use of a tripod pull down the same lever at front of bed of ca eral that was Fig 12 30 ...
Page 35: ...ess the push pin at end of cable release or push down on exposure lever once to open and again to close the shutter Time the exposure by a watch Another Method Another way of making short time exposures which has much to recommend it is as follows Hold the palm of the hand or a card close to the front of the camera so as to cover the lens and exclude all light see Fig 13 Push down the www orphanca...
Page 36: ... record press in slightly on the winding key and turn the next section of film into position as described before See page 28 The camera is now ready for the next Interior Exposure Follow the directions given heretofore for each successive exposure When the last Interior Exposure is made adjust the shutter for Instantaneous Exposures as before directed Time Needed for Interior Exposures The followi...
Page 37: ...indow bright sun outside 8 seconds hazy sun 20 seconds cloudy bright 40 seconds cloudy dull 80 seconds Medium colored walls and hangin s and only one window bright sun outside 12 seconds hazy sun 30 seconds cloudy bright 60 seconds cloudy dull 120 seconds Dark colored walls and hangin s and more than one window bright sun outside 20 seconds hazy sun 40 seconds cloudy brieht 80 seconds cloudy duli ...
Page 38: ... figure the camera should be about 8 feet from the subject and for a full_length figure about 10 feet The background should form a contrast with the subject When making por_ traits indoors a light background usually gi u more pleasing effect than a dark one 3n I C Camera W Window S Subject R Reflector To produce a satisfac tory illumination of the face have the subject camera and window in the pos...
Page 39: ...the regular lens and in no way affects the operation of the camera except to change the focus When the Attachment is in position and the camera set At 8 feet focus the subject must be exactly 2 f eet 9 inches from the lens At 25 feet focus place the subject 3 feet 8 inches from the lens At 100 feet focus place the subject 4 feet 2 inches from the lens Use Kodak Portrait Attachment No 8 with the No...
Page 40: ...res must be much shorter With Sunshine The shutter can hardly be opened and closed quickly enough to avoid over exposure With Light Clouds From 1 to 3 seconds will be sufficient With Heavy Clouds From 4 seconds to 8 seconds will be required The foregoing table is calculated for hours from 2 hours after sunrise until 2 z hours before sunset and for objects in the open For other hours or for objects...
Page 41: ...interiors can be taken with the flash sheets that are impracticable by daylight either by reason of a lack of illumination or because there are win dows in a direct line of view which cannot be darkened sufficiently to prevent the blurring of the picture Evening parties groups around a dinner or card table or single portraits may be readily made by the use of our flash sheets thus enabling the ama...
Page 42: ... little higher than the camera The support upon which the flash is to be made shoulcl ot project far enough in front of it to cast a shadow in fiont of the camera An extra piece of cardboard a foot square placed under the flash sheet will prevent any sparks from the flash doing damage By using the Kodak Flash Sheet Holder howJver it these contingencies are taken care of and we strongly advise its ...
Page 43: long There will be a bright flash which will impress the picture on the sensitive film Then press the push pin or push the exposure lever to close the shutter Make the autographic record by follow ing the table as given on pages 27 and 28 and turn the next section of film into place with the wind ing key ready for another picture The Flash Sheet The size of the sheet required to light a room va...
Page 44: ...he subject should not face it The flash should be at about the same height or a little higher than the head of the subject To Make a Group Arrange the chairs in the form of an arc facing the camera so that each chair will be exactly the same distance from the camera Half the persons composing the group should be seated and the rest should stand behind the chairs If the group is large any number of...
Page 45: as the picture is not taken instantaneously about one second being required to burn one sheet Eastman Flash Cartridges Eastman Flash Cartridges may be substituted for the sheets if desired We recommend the sheets however as more convenient cheaper and capable of producing the best results The cartridges are superior only when absolutely instantaneous work is essential Closing the Camera 1 To di...
Page 46: ...e finder is in the position for making a verti cal exposure or in the upright position The front board must be pushed back to and only to the limit of motion If the finder and front board are in proper posi tion they will not interfere with the bed in closing Avoid making too sharp a bend in the cable release when closing the camera or it will be liable to kink Fig 14 Closing the Bed of Camera ...
Page 47: ... 1 When the last section of film has been ex posed and the autographic record of your name has been made according to instructions on page 29 give the winding k y about twelve extra turns This covers the film with red paper again 2 Provide an extra spool of film No A I20 to fit the camera and take a position where the daylight is somewhat subdued not in the direct sunlight IlFi trig 1 Holding red ...
Page 48: ...g key to bring it up 6 Pull out winding k y to the limit of motion and lift out roll of film as shown in Fig 2 7 Fold over about half an inch at end of red paper ro as to make subsequent breaking of the seal easy and then seal with the sticker 8 Wrap up the exposed film immediately to prevent the possibility of light being admitted The roll of film is now ready for developing ancl printing 9 Now r...
Page 49: ...Kodak Film Cinch Marks If the film and paper loosen up a trifle when taken from the calnera many amateurs are likely to take the cartridge in the hand and wind it as closely as possible cinching it tightly with a twisting motion There s nothing more likely to injure the negative than this tight drawing of the film as it abrades the surface making fine parallel scratches running lengthwise of the f...
Page 50: ...t the inside of calnera and bellows occasionally with a slightll clamp cloth In summer weather or after the canrera has remained idle for any lcngth of time this needs special attention Clean Lenses Dirty or dusty lenses are frequently the cause of photographic failures These pictures illustrate this point clearly The sharp full timed picture on this page was taken with the lens clean and in good ...
Page 51: ... that the front is towards the light then look through the lens from the back of the camera and if the lens is found to be dirty it should be wiped both front and back with a clean soft linen handkerchief In summer weath er this needs special attention Large spots of dust or dirt on the lens will cause de fects in the picture r vhile if the lens is evenly covered rvith a film of dust dirt or moist...
Page 52: ...odak Film Tanks for develop ing in daylight or our Outfits for tray or dark room use To develop Film No 4 120 used in the No 2 Folding Autographic Brownie provide preferably a Brownie Kodak Film Tank These films may be developed in the larger tanks that are made for use with films of longer spool length but not so economically The Film No 4 120 may also be developed in daylight in the No 2 Brownie...
Page 53: ...xious at all times to help solve any problems that he may encounter either by sending on the necessary printed instructions or by individual correspondence Such customer in availing himself of the knowledge of our experts puts himself under no obligations to us He is simply availing himself of one of the things that he is entitled to when he buys a Brownie or a Kodak and that is Kodak service EAST...
Page 54: ...nt No 8 Kodak Color Filter No 8 Kodak Sky Filter No 8 Brownie Kodak Film Tank Duplicating Outfit for above Tank Brownie Developing Box No 2 Developer Powders for Brownie Kodak Film Tank or Brownie Developing Box per pkg doz Eastman A B C Developing and Print ing Outfit for dark room development for 4 x 5 negatives or smaller complete Kodak Acid Fixing Powder per 1 lb pkg Per lb pkg Per lb pkg so 2...
Page 55: ...Reducer and Stain Remover per pkg of 5 tubes Velox Re developer per package contain ing 2 ounce bottle Solio Paper 2 x 3 per pkg 2 dozen Combined Toning and Fixing Solution for Solio per 8 ounce bottle Per 4 ounce bottle Eastman Pyro Developer Powders in sealed glass tubes per box of 5 tubes Eastman Hydrochinon and Special De veloper Powders in sealed glass tubes per box of 5 tubes Bastman Pyro De...
Page 56: camera to the edge of a table chair fence etc Eastman Film Negative Album to hold 100 2 x 3 negatives Kodak Dry Mounting Tissue 3 dozen sheets 2 3 Eastman Photo Blotter Book for blotting and drying prints Baltic Mounts for prints 2 x 3 y per 100 Per 50 Agrippa Album flexible leather cover loose leaf 50 black leaves size 7 x 11 Cloth cover Kodak Print Roller double 6 inch Flexo Print Roller sing...
Page 57: ...erwise specified Nore If mailing us film for development do not fail to mark the package plainly with your name and address and write us a letter of advice with remittance 8 x 10 Bromide Enlargements mounted oncards each 1 00 10 x 12 each 1 40 1l x 74 each 1 7 5 On enlargement orders if in our opinion the enlargement will be improved by double mounting we will do so at an additional charge of 10 c...
Page 58: ...ateur f It describes in a simple understandable way every phase of photography that the arnateur is likely to be interested in such as various methods of making exposures devel oping printing making enlargements etc Profusely illustrated 772 pages Price 40 Price subject to change uithout notice EASTMAN I ODAK COMPANY At your dealer s RocrrBsrliR N Y 54 ...
Page 59: ... there are ama teurs who wish for further knowledge of photography The Service Department is at their service your service Do not hesitate to call on us for inforrnation on any photo graphic subject We are at your seraice write to us there is no charge no obligation Address all Communications Snnvrce DnpLntunur EASTMAI KODAK COMPANY RocunsrER N Y U S A www orphancameras com ...
Page 60: ... trtcle na Ino Veklx is printed faintlv on thc back of ever y sheet f tlok for it fnsist on Velox the paper tha t exaetlr meets the requirernents of tmateur negu tives and know yott rc gottirrg the best result s possible from your filrns T he Velor Boolt tells tlrc u orki ng of n sirnsilr p tper in s i rnple terms a aalu ehle photu graphic help Free frorn ut s or aorlr dealer EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY...